Thursday, May 10, 2018

It’s all Scottish!

Did you know?

  • The inventor of Velcro was Scottish
  • The inventor of the Kaleidoscope was Scottish
  • The inventor of Chloroform was Scottish (and was the first anesthesia used.
  • Robert Louis Stevenson (Scottish) based his book on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde on Deacon Brodie a real life cabinet maker by day and thief by night (he kept copies of the keys to the cabinets he made!)
  • Charles Dickens found the name for Ebenezer Scrooge on a grave in Edinburgh when he misread Ebenezer Scroogie who was a “Meal Man” not a “Mean Man”
  • J K Rowling also found names for her characters from tombstones in Edinburgh, Thomas Riddle’s grave can be found in Greyfriar’s churchyard
  • Mary, Queen of Scots, was named queen when she was 5 days old, married at 15, widowed at 17, orphaned at 19 and married three times (the third husband murdered her second husband and ultimately died in a danish prison)
  • Edinburgh, Jedburgh, and Dryburgh all rhyme with burrow not BERG 
  • There are some Scottish hills around here and sheep, lots of sheep.
  • The Kelvin temperature measurement was named after, you have got it, a Scotsman.
  • Clydesdales, yea they are from the region around the Clyde River in Scotland.

In the words of Mike Meyers, “If it’s not Scottish, it’s crap!”

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