Wednesday, April 11, 2018

TASTE and SEE- Cooking Class#1

Taste and See
Our first cooking class was Cuban Cooking, we watched and tasted the delicious-ness of Cuban Mojo Pork, Rice, Sofrito, Beans, and cinnamon covered plantains. There was also a sweet, but not too sweeet, mango and passion fruit mouse cake for dessert. YUMMO!

At Kitchenable, Jessica leads you through the entire recipe and then lets you "taste and see" what you too can make at home. We really enjoy her classes, she is knowledgeable in the culinary arts! 

Pictured below are our appetizer of pimento cheese and crackers, the main course of Pork, rice, beans, and sofrito, and then of course the plantains.

A Table Overflowing with Love

What a wonderful week!

Easter was April 1st, I celebrated a birthday with a 10k run and then this past Sunday I experienced so much love and grace with a magnificent send off. In our liturgy at 9 and 11:15am we said our prayers, ya'll blessing me on my adventure and I meant every word that I said, "I will miss you and am thankful for the ministry that you will do while I am away and the ministry God has for us when I get back!" My heart is full of love and my coffee table is full and overflowing with the tangible well wishes for this sabbatical time.

I am so grateful for the support of friends and family as we begin this sabbatical time. I am in the midst of "refinding" my tables in my house, scaring aware the dust bunnies, cleaning away the cobwebs and sorting through things that have been piling up.

While my entire sabbatical will not be "doing" tasks, sometimes you have to clear out the cobwebs so that you can see more deeply as to where God has been dwelling in your midst and the gifts and joys that have been dormant in my life.

Sabbatical rhythm is different, my schedule has shifted, my pace is a bit different, I look forward to sharing more as the cobwebs dissipate and the adventures continue!

James Taylor, MLK Jr., and St Paul- We are ONE BODY commissioned to "Shed a Little Light"

Second Sunday after Epiphany Year C 2019 Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 John 2:1-11 Psalm 36:5-10 Almighty God, whose Son ou...