Sunday, November 16, 2008


Yep, it's true..... I did not believe them, but it is true.... We had snow last night. Lots of lovely flurries and i was hoping more would stick for photos this morning, but no luck there. I guess that is better since we all have to get around on the roads today.

My apologies for less updates recently! IT's been busy! Sally Armstrong came up last weekend (YEAH FUN) and then of course there has been homework to do! This weekend was very quiet. No visitors, no schedule, and it was conviently dark and rainy all day on Saturday. A perfect winter weekend to "catch up". At the end of Saturday I met up with classmates at Shenanigan's and ran into Rachel (class of 1998) and Andy! We had a wonderful time laughing and telling stories! Well, it's off to church I go!

James Taylor, MLK Jr., and St Paul- We are ONE BODY commissioned to "Shed a Little Light"

Second Sunday after Epiphany Year C 2019 Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 John 2:1-11 Psalm 36:5-10 Almighty God, whose Son ou...