Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Emery House

Have you ever kept silence?

I am not talking about the “Quiet Game”- you know, the one, the one your parents (or you as a parent) have instigated out of a desire of a quieter space with less bickering, I am talking about, as the psalm says, “Be Still and Know”

Being still and being quiet are HARD in this day and age.
We live in a world where ever statement expects an answer, people ramble on just to work out their own thoughts or just to fill the space. There is always a radio, TV, podcast, pandora station, or youtube video to listen to. 

To find quiet we have to literally unplug and disconnect. Intentionally remove the stimuli and even then often we find ourselves still looking to the next thing to do. being still is not what we are good at, or perhaps not what I am good at doing naturally.

Most of us are still when we are asleep. Deep and restful sleep freshens us.  Deep stillness in the same way also refreshes us, allows us to regain our center and focus.

I arrived this afternoon at the Emery House for my retreat.
At the Emery House we do everything in silence except prayers at 7:30am, 12noon, 6pm and 8pm. All else is in silence (well except when you arrive, they do greet you and welcome you). I sat in my room awaiting prayers this afternoon and listened to how quiet the house was and how still it was. The stillness brought the reminder to me all that I am thankful for, the gifts of stillness, of time, of people as they flitted in and out of my mind.

Emery House was originally a working farm that was donated to the Society of St John the Evangelist for hospitality and retreat. The Emery Family were hard workers and felt strongly about caring for the poor and hospitality to their neighbors, they inherited land and when the final family member died, they gave this house to the brothers to allow others to come and be fed in mind, body and spirit.

How do you keep silence?
How do you help others find and keep silence in their lives? (Perhaps “The Quiet Game” isn’t such a bad idea after all)

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