Friday, August 29, 2008

Matriculation Day!

Matriculation ("transitive verb : to enroll as a member of a body and especially of a college or university" according to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary)...... August 28th 2008. Rob came up for our official signing of the book of the School of Theology. Sewanee is known for its traditions and this is one celebrates the installment of a new dean of academic affairs and the enrollment of all the new students this fall. SO, we lined up alphabetically with our sponsors (upper class seminarians) and signed our names in the book, shook the vice-chancellor's hand (a.k.a. the president of the college) and then sat back down. It was lots of fun and a wonderful dinner followed. Rob came up on Thursday night and is here until Monday morning....sooooo Grace the wondermutt has Aerial and Jolson to play with all weekend. Also- we got wireless finally installed in the house!!! YAHOO!

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